Complete Guide to Traveling with Your Dog

Summer is coming, and that can only mean one thing: TRAVEL!!!!!!

From family camping trips to destination vacations, we have no doubt your summer will be just like ours—chock full of exciting adventures, places to go, and people to see.

If you have a pet, adequate planning for such trips can get a bit complicated.

For the Road Tripper…

 Traveling in a car with dogs can be a breeze. But it can also just as quickly turn into nothing shy of a nightmare. Thanks to BMW, we have a few tips to help you think ahead and enjoy a successful trip!

  1. -Start Ahead. Control feed your pup in the car a few days before the big trip.

  2. -Make it Cozy. Give your dog a cushion and a designated spot, and make sure you can make eye contact with him or her during the drive.

  3. -Travel Safe. Of course, we all want to think that nothing bad will ever happen, but when traveling, secure your dog properly in the car.

  4. -Make Intermittent Stops. Long car rides can be a blast, but they can also take a toll on young children, pets, and even the most astute adult traveler. Plan ahead to make frequent stops throughout the day, and give your canine companion a chance to run around and play.

  5. -Keep Food at a Minimum. One thing that can definitely put a damper on an otherwise fun and exciting road trip is unexpected vomiting. Eliminate heavy snacking and keep to only a few treats during the trip.

  6. -Whatever You Do, Don’t Leave the Dog in the Car. This is a no brainer, but obviously, travel safe! Do not ever leave an animal in the car!

 For the Airborne…

 Taking your dog along can make any trip more fun. Here are a few simple tips from the AKC to consider before you leave on that big jet plane!

  1. -Make Sure Your Dog is Healthy.  Schedule a health check for your dog before going on the big trip. Health certifications are actually required for airline travel.

  2. -Know What to Pack. Be sure to pack your dog’s normal food and toys to ensure consistency and routine!

  3. -Be Prepared for an Emergency. No matter where you are going, have a plan for an emergency. Know where the nearest 24-hour vet is located.

  4. -Research Crates. Spend some time researching the best possible crate for your dog with plenty of room and ventilation, and make sure to mark it with owner information.

  5. -Make Sure He’s Labeled. Don’t set foot on a plane without making sure your dog has a leash and a collar with identifying tags or, even better, a microchip!

With a loyal companion such as the White Labrador, we can’t blame you one bit for wanting your beloved animal to come along with the rest of the family. Just be sure to be safe, plan ahead, and have a great time!


Different types of White Labrador Retrievers: